如何賺NK DOLLAR? How to earn NK Dollar?

方法1: 由2021年2月1日起,所有在Nicole's Kitchen網站購物, 均有購物總額5% 作為NK Dollar回贈。假設這次買了$300,系統便會在訂單處理完成後自動回贈15 NK Dollar到下單賬戶中

Method 1: From 1st, February, 2021, earn 5% amount of order as NK dollar. For example, if the order amount is $300, system will add 15 NK dollar to the order account upon order processing completed.

方法2: Nicole's Kitchen不時在網站進行推廣活動令大家賺取額外的NK Dollar,詳情請大家參看介時推廣活動詳情

Method 2: Earn extra NK dollar in different promotion event, go through promotion announcement for detail

如何用NK Dollar當錢駛? How to spend NK Dollar as Cash?

每1 NK Dollar = HK$ 1 使用,大家只需在結賬時一併輸入使用多少NK Dollar,系統便會即時自動扣除賬單金額。

Spend every 1 NK Dollar = HK$ 1, redeem it when you check out in cart.

如何查詢NK Dollar結餘? How to check NK dollar balance?

在結賬時可以看到結餘, 或查看賬戶時查閱NK Dollar回贈紀錄及結餘

You can check your balance in check out page or go through it in your account profile

注意事項 / 細則 (Terms & Condition)

1. 參與此計劃必需要是Nicole's Kitchen網站會員, 會員登記完全免費
2. NK Dollar有效期: 只要1年內定期賺取或兌換NK Dollar,即會自動延長你賺取的NK Dollar有效期
3. 使用NK Dollar時,不能與其他折扣卷使用
4. 所有事宜及糾紛一律以Nicole's Kitchen之最終決定為準。

1. Only member of Nicole's Kitchen website can enroll to this reward scheme. It is free application for membership
2. NK Dollar earned never expire, as long as you earn or redeem NK Dollar in a year
3. NK Dollar can't apply together with discount coupon
4. In case of disputes, Nicole's Kitchen reserves the rights of final decision